
索盟灯饰位于中国灯饰之都--中山古镇一桥之隔的江门市荷塘镇,是专业从事酒店、会所和私人豪宅室内灯具的厂家。索盟自创立以来,坚持走高品质之路。以人为本,客户至上,追求卓越,以德治厂。索盟组织健全,管理先进、工作高效;贤纳了一批有理想、有知识、有才华的科技专业队伍。 索盟拥有一流的研发设计中心,严格的测试检验中心,配有设备先进的五金生产车间和半流水式的组装车间;有健全的内、外营销中心,产品严格按国家标准执行,实行强制性“CCC”认证及欧盟”CE”认证。索盟的产品类别繁多,有大堂灯、客房灯、传统水晶灯、现代中式灯、欧式灯、蜡烛灯、工艺灯以及非标工程灯具等,产品质量上乘,工艺一流,在灯饰同行业中,索盟产品独树一格,别具特色,且在业界已有极好的口碑,倍受资深建筑装饰设计师和用户的赞赏,产品近销中国各地;远销欧美、东南亚、中东等国家。 索盟企业注重诚信经营、双赢互利,顾客至上; 索盟人还在不断的努力、不断地创新;公司事业蒸蒸日上,发展迅猛,力争将索盟灯饰打造成中国知名灯饰品牌企业及国际知名灯饰企业。让索盟人以“名牌”的服务精神,感动于每一位新老顾客。也希望各位新朋老友一如既往地支持索盟,互惠互利,携手合作,共创您我辉煌明天! Jiangmen Somon lighting Co.,Ltd is located at the International Lighting Capital in China----Hetang, Zhenbian, Guzhen, Zhongshan city, Guangdong province. Its products include: table lamp, wall lamp, pendant lamp, low voltage lamp and crystal lamp. The tenet of Somon is that reputation first, quality foremost, price reasonable and customer satisfied. Up to now, Somon has established close cooperation relations with customers both at home and abroad. Being exported to Middle East, products of Somon are very popular to customers worldwide. Thanks for your support to Somon. It will continue to service you with novel products, favorable price, excellent service and advanced technology. Since its foundation, Somon has been operating according to the general managers instructions to carry out the philosophy of the factory. As a result, it has got the certificates of CCC and CE. Meanwhile,Somon will keep the No.1 quality reputation and be leader in the industry. Business philosophy: integrity, innovation, to meet the needs of all customers. Enterprise purpose: taking innovation as the soul, to the quality of life Service concept: grant whatever is requested, answer all the questions Business goals: to create a domestic, international famous brand. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:中国 广东 江门 蓬江区 荷塘镇中泰西路45#松树咀厂房 浙ICP备17016739号-4
